My name is Amaney and I am from Morocco. Recently, I have been to Bhutan for my Honeymoon trip. I didnt plan this but my father and mother in law arranged everything for me and my husband Peter. I got surprised when I got air tickets and two weeks honeymoon package to Bhutan.

When my friends went to Paris, U.K and Australia for their honeymoon I had to plan for my honeymoon package to Bhutan. At first I was annoyed with him about what we will get to see in Bhutan. I thought my Honeymoon was completely ruined. Peter consoled me saying his parents have been to Bhutan few years ago and had a great vacation. I was little relieved then.


Flight to Bhutan.

Our Bhutan for honeymoon trip started from Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca and flew to Bangkok. From Bangkok we had to take Druk Air and we reached Bhutan. The moment we stepped out of the plane we both mesmerized to see a beautiful valley named Paro. My nostril was filled with fresh air of Bhutan. I saw mud rammed houses all over the place. I felt the sense of tranquility and I do believe now that Bhutan is a beautiful country. I fell in love with the country at the very first sight. Everything was organize by the Bhutan tour operator for our trip.

While traveling to the capital city of Bhutan I was so surprised to see that the city was too small to be called a city.

But, the view was very beautiful that it is almost difficult to express in words. I was surprise to see that there were no The hotel that was reserved for us was better than what I expected. With a king size bed, well-furnished and basic requirements made our night fascinating. I and Peter went for lunch at the dining table of the hotel. I was worried with what food we will be served. When I looked at the menu I saw the list of what we eat back in our home, which made me happy.

I ordered rice, chicken curry and veggie. I how delicious the food was. I ate it till the end. I couldnt believe myself that I was falling in love with Bhutan. Even Peter complimented how beautiful and nice Bhutan was. Before sleeping I texted my dad and mother in law thanking them for planning a wonderful honeymoon trip to Bhutan.

The hotel that was reserved for us was better than what I expected. With a king size bed, beautiful limelight, well-furnished furniture with clean toilet and bathroom made our night fascinating. I and Peter went for lunch at the dining table of the hotel. I was worried with what food we will be served. When I looked at the menu I saw the list of what we eat back in our home, which made me happy.

I was served with traditional Bhutanese dishes and i was amazed how delicious the food was. I ate it till the end. I couldnt believe myself that I was falling in love with Bhutan. Even Peter complimented how beautiful and nice Bhutan was. Before sleeping I texted my dad and mother in law thanking them for planning a wonderful honeymoon trip to Bhutan.

Next day, we visited Punakha Dzong. It was one and half hour drive from the capital city. Punakha Dzong is constructed at the confluence of two major rivers in Bhutan, Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu. Its a beautiful sight on sunny day to see sunlight reflecting off the water onto its white-washed walls.

It is believed that a sacred relic known as the Ranjung Karsapani, is still preserved in the Dzong. The place is pleasant with warm winters and hot summers. Owing to a favorable climate, I saw paddies grown everywhere. Taking pictures inside the dzong is not allowed. There were arts and paintings as well as statues. I asked this to my guide who was touring us and he replied that its because they are sacred.

Hike to Paro Taktshang.

Then we went to Paro Taktsang (The tigers nest) monastery. I was scared after hearing the name thinking it was place a habitat of tigers. I was totally wrong and was over imagining. There were no tiger and all I saw was a beautiful temple lying on top of a mountain. Legend states that Guru Rimpoche (a great saint of 740 AD) fled to the site riding a flying tigress to subdue evil demons. So many caves were there and were considered a sacred.

Many famous saints visited the place to mediate. It is located at Paro valley, where the airport is located. It takes around 2-3 hours walk through a beautiful shady pine forest from the Paro valley. Horse services were available on the way if you are not able to walk. There were many handicraft shops selling Bhutanese traditional jewelries, hand woven bags, pouch, cloths and hats. They were so attractive that I couldnt help myself from buying.

Our next trip was Phuntsholing, second largest city in Bhutan, which is located at the border of India and Bhutan. The place is warmer than any other places where I have been to. We directly went to the hotel booked by our tour operator and enjoyed the view from the hotel. The hotel looked sophisticated and well furnished. We were served with a special Bhutanese food. I tasted Bhutanese food for the very first time. Finally, Phuentsholing was our last city covered for our honeymoon in Bhutan trip.

Bhutanese popular curry called Ema Datchi was served. It nearly burned my tongue. I could not deny it for it tasted delicious despite being spicy. Most of the Bhutanese foods are spicy. Tea is also different. I tasted Bhutanese tea which was made from butter, salt and tea leaves. We even tasted some Indian foods which were amazing. I was falling in love with Bhutan even more but sadly our stay in Bhutan was yet to end.

Peter and I had a great time in Bhutan. My honeymoon in Bhutan was first class. I doubt that I would have loved Paris and U.K more than Bhutan. But, Bhutan is a best destination Honeymoon. I would like to recommend everyone to visit Bhutan and this is the way to do it. I havent planned this and it just happened. And I am glad that i came to Bhutan. If you are planning to visit Bhutan for honeymoon, then there are few things you need to keep in mind.

  1. Honeymoon Destination in Bhutan.

Bhutan has so many beautiful places to explore as a perfect honey gateway. If you want to explore Bhutan as your honeymoon destination then I would say to visit Paro, Thimphu & Punakha. The place is one of the most historical valleys and the valley has the mush more to offer. The boutique villas facing beautiful pine forest makes it the best honeymoon destination.

But, Thimphu is one of the preferred honeymoon destinations in Asia. It is the capital and largest city in Bhutan without traffic lights. Beautiful fortress and memorial chhorten makes your honeymoon in Bhutan more memorable. Punakha, which was once the capital of Bhutan is a must visit place. You would be amazed by such a scenic view of rivers and fortress with so many histories. The place is even warmer in summers and winter is very pleasant.

  1. Bhutan Honeymoon packages.

Bhutan offers interesting honeymoon packages for you. Bhutan honeymoon packages starts from 3 Nights Bhutan tour to 6 Nights to surrender you to the beautiful valley of Paro, Thimphu and Punakha. You will get to visit the famous Tigers nest monastery and also the national museum Ta Dzong. In Thimphu, the capital city, you will get a chance to enjoy the city life. It may not be as same as the big cities in other countries. But we get any services like night clubs, bars, hotels and restaurants.

Most of the administrative offices including Royal palaces are located at Thimphu. So many shops selling different goods are available if you like shopping. In Punakha you will get to see beautiful fortress, small temples and monasteries. And if you love adventure there are rafting services.

  1. Bhutan Honeymoon Cost.

Bhutan honeymoon cost all depends upon your arrangements and requirements apart from the daily tariff. All tourists visiting Bhutan must pay $250 person per night. This cost covers accommodation, transport, a guide, and food and entry fees. The possible extra charges include hot stone bath, cultural shows, horse riding & cycling. It is advisable to bring cash since there are no ATMs in most places. Credit cards are available in some hotels and souvenir shops but only in major cities.

If you are trekking its appropriate to tip the guide, cook and waiter. Horseman also expects tips, but this can be minimal if they are owner of horses. It is not very expensive to travel to Bhutan like most people assume when they hear about tariff rate. We should know that $250 dollars pay includes many things. Indians tourists are the only tourists who dont have to pay tariff rate.

  1. Things to do in on Bhutan Honeymoon

When you are on honeymoon in Bhutan the best way to spend your stay is by touring. You can visit Dzongs, temples and monasteries. If you are wildlife lovers you can go visit wildlife sanctuary parks. However if you enjoy adventures then there are lot of adventures available in Bhutan. Some of the adventures are hiking, trekking, kayaking, rafting, fishing and cycling. If you love shopping then there are famous tradition crafts.

You will see shops selling different hand woven cloths, bags, pouch, shoes and shocks. For ladies there are special jewelries which are very attractive. You can enjoy five and minimum of three stars hotels with best hospitality. The Bhutanese foods are very spicy and tasty that you can enjoy. If you want to get accounted more with culture and life styles of Bhutanese then you must visit festivals like Tsechu.

  1. Best time for honeymoon in Bhutan.

The best time to visit for honeymoon in Bhutan would be during spring season which starts from March to May. In this season the climate are not very hot and not very cold. During summer and autumn it is monsoon season so it is not very favorable for traveling. However, peak season are crowded with tourists so it is difficult to get hotels and better accommodation.

For your better avail of facilities and accommodation you can visit in lean season. Summer and winter are usually considered as lean season. For your honeymoon in Bhutan, it would be better to visit in lean season to enjoy five and four stars accommodation. However, if you are planning to travel for hiking and trekking then you must visit in spring season. Most festivals in Bhutan fall in spring and autumn seasons.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart

You can even plan your honeymoon in Bhutan trip for 5 days, 6 days, 7 days depending upon your trip to Bhutan.