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Western Bhutan – Eastern Motorcycle Tours

Not Rated

11 Days 10 Nights

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size




Bhutan motor cycle tours takes you through this amazing tiny Himalayan kingdom .

You will feel as if you’ve been transported back in time. Bhutan maintains its traditions and customs and that shows in the country’s architecture and prevalent dressing style of the Drukpas ,From the western part of Bhutan to far east of Bhutan then to Guwahati ( india ). Join us for a spellbinding journey on two wheels through the land of the dragon as we take you from breathtaking valleys to mountain hugging monasteries to alpine meadows that dot this land! Enjoy the winding roads, the crisp mountain air and Bhutan’s amazing landscape as we ride through and explore this magical country on a motorcycle.

Our adventurous Bhutan Motorcycle tours offers the amalgamation of touristic hot-spots with hidden regions we introduce you to on this road trip. Our experienced guides help you in every step of the way to ensure that you have an unforgettable experience.


  • Day 01 : Arrive Paro International Airport: (Altitude 2,280m)
  • Day 02 : Paro: (Altitude 2,280m)
  • Day 03 : Paro – Haa Valley – Thimphu (185km, approx 6 hours ride)
  • Day 04 : Thimphu – Punakha & Wangdue (75km, approx 3 hours ride)
  • Day 05 : Punakha & Wangdue – Gangtey (85km, approx 3 hours ride)
  • Day 06 : Gangtey – Trongsa – Bumthang (153km, approx 6 hours ride)
  • Day 07 : Bumthang (Altitude 2,680m)
  • Day 08 : Bumthang – Mongar (196km, approx 7 hours ride) (Altitude 1,620m)
  • Day 9 : Mongar – Trashigang (96km, approx 3 hours ride)
  • Day 10 : Trashigang – Samdrup Jongkhar (180km, approx 6 hours ride)
  • Day 11 : Departure: Samdrup Jongkhar – Guwahati (Assam, India) (110 km, approx 2.1/2 hours drive)

Day 1: Arrive Paro International Airport

On arrival in Paro airport, met by our representative & after clearing immigration formalities, check in at the Hotel. After refreshment we will brief about motor cycle and traffic instruction . Later we will ride the motorcycle to visit following place .Ta Dzong : One time watch tower built to defend Rinpung Dozng during inter-valley wars of the 17th century, since 1967 Ta Dzong is serving as the National Museum of the country. It holds fascinating collection of art, relics, religious thangkha paintings and Bhutan’s exquisite postage stamps.motorbike-bhutanRinpung Dzong : Literally meaning ‘Heap of Jewels’. Built in 1646 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal , the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan, the Dzong houses the monastic body of Paro, the office of the Dzongda (district administrative head) and Thrimpon (judge) of Paro district. Some of the scenes in the film Little Buddha (1993) were filmed in this Dzong.In the evening explore local market, Bhutanese textile and handicraft shops around Paro main street. Overnight at the hotel in Paro. (Altitude 2,280m)

Day 2: Paro

After breakfast, walking excursion to Taktshang Monastery also known as Tiger’s Nest (approx. 5 hours round trip walk) Taktshang Monastery : The primary lhakhang was built surrounding Guru Rimpoche’s Meditation cave in the 1684 by Gyaltse Tenzin Rabgay. This incredible monastery clings to the edge of a sheer rock cliff that plunges 900 meters into the valley below. Legend has it that Guru Padmasambhava flew here on the back of a tigress. It is about 5 hours walking excursion however, one feels truly blessed reaching the amonastery.Later take a ride to the base of Drukgyel Dzong, a ruined fortress where Bhutanese warriors fought Tibetan invaders centuries ago. The snowy dome of sacred Chomolhari, ‘mountain of goddess’ can be seen in all her glory from the approach road to the Dzong.While returning to Paro town, on the way visit the 7th century Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the 108 temples built in the Himalayas by Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo. The building of this temple marks the introduction of Buddhism in Bhutan. Overnight at the hotel in Paro. (Altitude 2,280m)

Day 3: Paro – Haa Valley – Thimphu (185km, approx 6 hours ride)

We begin our ride today towards Thimphu, making a loop around the Chelela pass and into Haa and then to Thimphu. Climb 35 km from Paro to the Chelela pass. Located at an elevation of 3,988 meters, Chelela is considered to be one of the highest motorable passes in Bhutan. About an hour’s drive along a thickly-forested road, this Pass is a botanical paradise, providing stunning views of the sacred mountain Jomolhari and Jichu Drake. It is also marked by hundreds of prayer flags fluttering in the wind.motorbike-bhutanStop for lunch at Haa town and visit Lhakhang Karpo (White temple), established in the 7th century by Tibetan King Songtsen Gempo and Lhakhang Nagpo (Black temple).Then continue ride towards Thimphu crossing several villages like Karna, Jyenkana, Bitekha, on the way. The ride is beautiful with little traffic and very scenic as you drive through pine forests. Once you reach the river confluence of Thimphu and Paro, its 31 km to Thimphu on the national highway.In the evening, if time permits discover, Trashichho Dzong (Fortress of the Glorious Religion): A Doom (Blue Stone) Dzong was built on the hill above Thimphu in 1216 by the lama Gyalwa Lhanampa. A few years later Lama Phajo Drugom Shigpo, who brought the Drukpa Kagyu lineage to Bhutan, took over Dohon Dzong. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (The one who unified the country) acquired the Dzong in 1641 from the descendants of lama Phajo and renamed it as Trashi Chhoe Dzong. The Dzong is the seat of the national government and the Central Monastic Body, including the summer residence of the Je Khenpo (Chief Abbot of Bhutan) at present.Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu. (Altitude 2,320m)

Day 4: Thimphu – Punakha & Wangdue (75km, approx 3 hours ride)

After breakfast, sightseeing of Thimphu valley, visiting:Simply Bhutan : It is a living museum and studio encapsulating the rich cultural heritage of the Bhutanese people.Changangkha Lhakhang : It is a fortress like temple and monastic school perched on a ridge above Thimphu, south of Motithang. The temple was established in 12th century on a site chosen by Lama Phajo Drugom Shigpo, who came from Tibet. The central statue here is Chenrezig in a manifestation with 11 heads. From temple courtyard, there is fascinating view of Thimphu valley.Kuenselphodrang : A place for refreshing with a huge statue of Buddha on the top. The area also gives a very good view of the Thimphu valley from the west.Memorial Chorten : This Chorten was built in 1974, in honour of the Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, also known as ‘The Father of Modern Bhutan’. It is also a center of worship for the people living in Thimphu and contains many religious paintings and tantric statues.Later biking to Punakha over Dochula Pass (3,080 m). The pass is marked by huge stupa and 108 Druk Wangyel Choetens. On clear days, it offer magnificent views of the Bhutanese Himalayas. Tea-Stop at the pass. Then resume your journey to Punakha through forests of oak, rhododendron and pine trees.On arrival in Punakha, check into the hotel.After lunch, explore Punakha & Wangduephodrang towns by bike and visit Punakha Dzong. This impressive Dzong was built by the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1637 and built at the junction the Pho Chu and Mo Chu Rivers.Then ride to road point for a short walking excursion to Chimi Lhakhang : This temple is also known as the temple of fertility and was built by Lama Drukpa Kuenley in the 15 century who is also known as the Divine Madman.Overnight at the hotel in Punakha / Wangdue. (Altitude 1,300m)

Day 5: Punakha & Wangdue – Gangtey (85km, approx 3 hours ride)

After breakfast, ride to Wangdue. While in Wangdue, view the restoration work of Wangduephodrang Dzong.Then continue discovering :Rinchengang Village : A small clustered village in Wangduephodrang, on a hill opposite to where Wangduephodrang Dzong was built before. It is about 20 minutes hike uphill from the nearest road.Then biking through Black Mountains to incomparable Gangtey.While in Gangtey, sightseeing includes :Gangtey Gompa : Gyaltse Pema Thinley, the grandson and mind reincarnation of Pema Lingpa founded the Temple in 1613, and Tenzin Legpai Dhendup, the second re-incarnation, built the temple. The present Abbot, Kunzang Pema Namgyal is the ninth re-incarnation.Later explore Phobjikha Valley by bike. The Phobjikha Valley is one of the most beautiful glacial valleys in the Himalayas and the winter place for the endangered Black Necked Cranes. Travelling November through February shall give you the rare opportunity to see the black necked cranes. Visit the local villages and interact with village folks.Overnight at the hotel in Gangtey. (Altitude 3,000m)

Day 6: Gangtey – Trongsa – Bumthang (153km, approx 6 hours ride)

Today’s ride takes us through two major passes: Pelela pass (3300m) and Yutongla pass (3400m).After breakfast, we’ll ride through Black Mountains to Trongsa at an altitude of 2310 m, with a short stopover at Chendbji Chorten, the stupa patterned on Swyambhunath in Kathmandu. There are lots of bends, beautiful waterfalls and thick forest cover on the way. The landscape around this part of the ride is spectacular.While in Trongsa, visit:Trongsa Dzong : One of the most impressive Dzong in Bhutan, built by Chogyal Minjur Tempa, the official who was sent by Zhabdrung to unify Eastern Bhutan. It was enlarged at the end of the 17th century by Desi Tenzin Rabgay. Trongsa Dzong is the ancestral home of the present Royal Family.Ta Dzong : an ancient watch tower, now converted into classy museum. The chapel inside is said to be dedicated to the Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal.Then we saddle our motor bike and cross the 3400m Yutongla pass on the way to picturesque Bumthang valley. En route, we’ll stop briefly to visit the valley to visit Yathra weaving centre.Yathra : is the most famous textile product of Bumthang. The Chumey Valley is known for this beautiful Yathra, woven by the locals. Yathra is a hand woven fabric made from the wool of sheep or Yak. The wool is first spun into threads and then dyed before they are woven into Yathra with beautiful flower patterns and colours. The Yathra cloth is made into scarfs, jackets, table cloths and bags. Most of the women in this valley, especially in Zungye village, earn their lively hood by weaving yathra which is supplied to various towns in Bhutan.motorbike-bhutanOvernight at the hotel in Bumthang. (Altitude 2,680m)

Day 7: Bumthang

Bumthang is also known as the Switzerland of Bhutan, the entire valley resembles the Swiss alps but with many monasteries and prayer flags that dot the hills and pine forests. It’s a wide valley and interesting to do local rides, visiting villages and sights of cultural interests.The visits include :Jakar Dzong : Literally means the ‘Castle of White Bird’. The current structure was built in 1667. The Dzong is now used as administrative centre for Bumthang valley, and houses the regional monk body.Lamey Goemba : A large palace and monastery built in 18th century by Dasho Phuntsho Wangdi.Jambay Lhakhang : Built by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet. It is one of the 108 monasteries built by him to subdue evil spirits in the Himalayan region. While its present architectural appearance dates from the early 20th century. In October one of the most spectacular festivals, ‘Jambay Lhakhang Drup’ is staged here.Chakhar Lhakhang : Literally means the ‘Iron Castle’ because the original palace was made of iron and hence the name ‘Chakhar’.Kurjey Lhakhang : Named after body print of Guru Rimpoche. The complex consists of three temple surrounded 108 chorten wall.Tamshing Lhakhang : Literally means the ‘Temple of the Good Message’, established in 1501 by Pema Lingpa. Restored at the end of 19th century, the monastery has very ancient religious paintings like 1,000 Buddhas and 21 Taras (female form of Buddhistava).Tangbi Goemba : Founded in 1470 by Shamar Rinpoche of Kagyupa religious school. The temple has two sanctuaries and a temple of terrifying deities.Overnight at the hotel in Bumthang. (Altitude 2,680m)

Day 8: Bumthang – Mongar (196km, approx 7 hours ride)

From Bumthang, we’ll be heading east to the town of Mongar. The ride to Mongar takes about 7 hours with spectacular view en route. We will ride up into the hills above the valley and then past Ura village, before climbing sharpely to the highest point on Bhutan’s motorable road network, Thrumshing-la pass (4,000m).Visit the Ura Valley, the highest valley in Bumthang and believed by some to have been the home of the earliest inhabitants of Bhutan giving you an insight into how the central Bhutanese live. The cobbled streets of the traditional village of Ura give a medieval feel. The old women of this region still wear sheepskin shawls on their backs which double as a blanket and cushion.From here, the road gradually descends to the alpine valley of Sengor, with wonderful views of cascading waterfalls and the hills of eastern Bhutan along the way. Vegetation changes from alpine to subtropical with the loss of height, and bamboos and luxuriant ferns overhang the road as we drop down to the valley floor. The descent stops at 700m, where we cross the Kurichu river. We ascend again through pine forests, maize fields and eastern hamlets to reach Mongar town, high on a gentle slope above the valley.Picnic lunch on the way. The evening ends exploring the Mongar town.Overnight at the hotel in Mongar. (Altitude 1,620m)

Day 9: Mongar – Trashigang (96km, approx 3 hours ride)

After breakfast, visit the Mongar Dzong.Mongar Dzong : This dzong, rebuilt in 1953, is unique as it has two entrances. There are about 60 young monks residing in this dzong. You will see the images of the Buddha of long life, as well as Guru Rinpoche and the Zhabdrung.Then we’re going to cruise on our bikes to Trashigang via Drametsi. We’ll cross the Korila pass (2490m) and wind our way through refreshing evergreen forests in the Yadi loops. From the Kanglung Chu valley, we’ll ride up to the quiet little mountain town of Trashigang.Late afternoon explore Trashigang town and visit its Dzong.motorbike-bhutanTrashigang Dzong : lies on the headland of the dzongkhag that gives us the confluence of the Drangme Chhu and the Gamri Chhu. It was built by Minjur Tempa, Bhutan’s third Desi in the year 1667. The Dzong was once destroyed by fire and then rebuilt in only three years. On the Gorikha (Veranda) are the paintings of the kings and guardians of the four directions.Overnight at the hotel in Trashigang. (Altitude 1,150m)

Day 10: Trashigang – Samdrup Jongkhar (180km, approx 6 hours ride)

Today, we’ll tackle the last leg of Bhutan Motorcycle tour, from Trashigang to Samdrup Jongkhar. This road was completed in 1965 and the journey takes about 6 hours. Along the way, pass by Sherubtse College, the only college in country founded in 1978. Riding ahead, reach to Khaling to visit the Blind School and Weaving Centre. Deothang, 80 km from Khaling is the centre of Technical training college and road maintenance head-quarters for the east. From here the road descends fairly rapidly to the plain through a dense tropical forest with an abundance of teak, bamboo and ferns.Evening explore Samdrup Jongkhar, followed by farewell dinner.Overnight at the hotel in Samdrup Jongkhar. (Altitude 220m)

Day 11: Samdrup Jongkhar – Guwahati (Assam, India) (110 km, approx 2.1/2 hours drive)

After breakfast, drive by car to Guwahati airport for the departure .

  • Breakfast and dinner at respective hotels and lunch at local tourist standard restaurant
  • Accommodation (Twin Bed / Dbl Bed sharing basis) in 3 star hotel
  • All transportation within the country including airport transfers.
  • Daily USD 200 per person/night Gov. Sustainable Development Fee
  • Entrance fees for Museums and Monuments.
  • English Speaking Local guide.
  • Sightseeing.
  • Visa fee USD 40
  • Single room supplement charges USD 25 per room per night
  • Insurance Premiums
  • Payments for service provided on a personal basis
  • Cost for any services not mentioned in the "Cost Include head"
  • Cost incurred due to mishaps, strikes, political unrest etc.
  • Personal expense in items such as laundry, soft drinks, Camera Charges, Bottle water, Incidentals, Portage, Bellboy charges tips or any other service
  • Airfare

Tour's Location

Do visitors need a visa to visit Bhutan?
1.1. Yes, all visitors will need a visa to visit Bhutan, except for visitors from India, who will require a permit.1.2. Nationals of Bangladesh and the Maldives shall be eligible for a visa on arrival at the port of entry.1.3. Nationals of Switzerland and Thailand holding diplomatic and official passports shall be eligible for a visa on arrival at the port of entry.1.4. Visitors from India will need a permit to visit Bhutan. This applies to anyone holding an Indian passport, or an Indian voter ID card. For Indian nationals aged under 18 years, a passport or a birth certificate will suffice, and they must be accompanied by legal guardians.
How can visitors process their visa or permit?
2.1. Visitors can process a visa or permit online from the website of the Department of Immigration. Visitors can also engage tourism service providers (see for more details) to process the travel documents and plan a trip. The Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) will also offer customer service to help answer questions regarding visa applications and to answer questions about travel within the country.2.2. Although visitors from Bangladesh and Maldives can process visas on arrival and visitors from India can process permits on arrival at the port of entry, it is recommended that these be applied online to reduce wait time and for faster clearance at the port of entry.
What are the documents required to process the visa?
3.1. A passport copy is required. The passport must be valid for six months from the intended date of departure from the Kingdom;3.2. Travel insurance valid for the duration of the trip; and3.3. A recent passport size photograph.
How much is the visa fee and how long does it take to issue?
4.1. The visa fee is USD 40 per person and it is non-refundable. While the process to issue the visa is usually quick, the visa can take up to five working days to process.
What are the documents required to process the permit (for Indian guests)?
5.1. Visitors from India can use a passport or voter ID card. Children under 18 years of age can use a birth certificate or passport, and must be accompanied by a legal guardian.5.2. Passport size photograph is also required.5.3. Travel insurance is required and should be valid for the whole duration of the trip.
How can I purchase insurance if I don’t have any?
6.1 There is also an option to purchase domestic travel insurance from Bhutanese insurance providers at the port of entry during arrivals. There are also tourism information officers stationed at all ports of entry who can assist travellers. Click here to get details on the insurance from Bhutan Insurance Limited.
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